4 Signs to Ascertain a High Functioning Alcoholic

Do you suspect a close person is addicted to alcohol but always denies it? Perhaps you saw the sign of substance abuse, however, you are not certain about it. If you really want your beloved to get over from their addiction, it’s important to become sure of it yourself first.

The following are the signs of a high functioning alcoholic that will help you detect whether the person is a substance abuser or not. 

Drinks in secrecy

Often alcoholic drinks in secret while continuing their job normally to maintain their responsibilities and careers. They do it to hide the amount of alcohol intake and consumption frequency. Also, they cover things up when suffering from withdrawal symptoms like vomiting. 

Denies the addiction

An alcoholic may know they’re drinking more than their limit but still refuses to admit. If the person denies, even after over-consumption, it means they have no control over drinking and are unable to see how their habits are affecting other lives. A drinking problem is a brain disorder that changes a person’s behavior and the way of thinking.

Always justifies the drinking habit

Alcohol makes a person believe that drinking is good for them. While for most people drinking is only a way to relax after a tiring day, the habit of drinking helps alcoholics to manage their life together. 

Becomes socially active or withdraw

While it’s difficult to identify a high functioning alcoholic, social life helps in determining the addiction. The person may start enjoying going out often, especially at night, and become talkative in social events. On the other hand, the person may isolate themselves and avoid spending time with family and friends.

If you notice all these signs in a person, introduce them to Christian substance abuse treatment centers in Georgia to help them overcome their alcohol addiction.


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